3 Tips To Help You Improve Your Customer Service

Attracting and retaining new customers is critical when it comes to the success of your business. Without the ability to keep your customers happy, your company will not remain profitable over time. The need to please customers through stellar customer service is vital for companies operating in today's competitive market. Here are three simple changes that you can implement in the near future to ensure that your customer service efforts leave patrons feeling appreciated. Read More 

Managing Your Workforce: Four Tips

Hiring people is only the first step in employee management. In order for your business to move along smoothly and continue to grow, you'll need to pay close attention to the management of the people on your payroll and your relationship with them. These four tips can assist you in caring for and managing your workforce. Offer Career Training As time goes on, it's prudent to offer some career training for the people who work for you. Read More 

Creating A Patent Strategy For Your Tech Startup

Starting a tech company can be a great way to generate income, but it also means that you may be dealing with intellectual property that you want to protect through patents. The filing and maintenance of a patent can be quite expensive, so startup companies need  to take the time to carefully plan out a patent strategy as part of their business model. Here are three important components that you should cover when creating a patent strategy for your tech startup in the future. Read More 

Three Incredibly Valuable Things A Fire Protection Engineer Can Offer Your Business During A Consultation

For most business owners, the threat of a fire in their place of business is a terrifying thought and they will go to great lengths to make sure the property is protected and outfitted for such an emergency. However, beyond the basic fire alarms and sprinkler systems that can be installed by a contractor, there is one professional you should bring in for a consultation that will offer valuable insight: a fire protection engineer. Read More